List of active connections
This window shows list of connected clients.
ID - sequence number of connection from the last server run
User - user name.
Computer (IP) - IP address, eventually name of computer
Status - connection status:
- Not logged - username was not entered
- Not authenticated - username was entered, password was not entered
- Idle - client is not active
- waiting for answer - client is waiting for server's response
- Upload - client is uploading a file to the server
- Download - client is downloading a file; state in percent is shown
- Reading directory - client is downloading directory listing
Last used file/directory - file or direcotry used as last.
Last command - last FTP command
List items
Connection data
IP address -
Computer name -
Connected since -
Connection time -
Idle time -
Average speed - average speed of communication with server
Current uploaded - data length in kB uploaded during last transfer
Current upload time - time spent during last data upload
Current upload speed - immediate speed of last data upload
Transfer upload speed - average speed of last data upload
Session uploaded - data in kB uploaded to the server
Session upload time - time spent with data upload
Session upload speed - average speed of data upload
Session files uploaded - number of files uploaded to the server during current connection
Quota - status of data quota (if inactive, shown as --/--)
Current downloaded - data length in kB downloaded during last transfer
Current download time - time spent during last data download
Current download speed - immediate speed of last data download
Transfer download speed - average speed of last data dowload
Session downloaded - data in kB downloaded from the server
Session download time - time spent with data download
Session download speed - average speed of data download
Session files downloaded - number of files downloaded from the server during current connection
Kontext menu
If you click a right mouse button over any connection, a context menu with following
items will appear:
Disconnect - disconnect a client from the server
Kill transfer - stop transfer, if there is any
Blacklist user - opens dialog for adding a user to the blacklist
Blacklist IP - opens dialog for adding IP address to the blacklist
Other controls
Disconnect - disconnect selected client
Disconnect all - disconnect all clients
Refresh - refresh list of connections
Auto refresh - automatic refresh of connection list every second